A NASA employee saw a UFO hovering over the Apollo 15 astronauts during a covert moon broadcast.

There is an untold story of the former NASA fireman who testified witnessing a UFO hovering over the astronauts in a secret broadcast by being at the wrong place at the right time. This testimony was brought to the public by two researchers, B. J. Booth and Eileen Nesbitt, who may or may not be with us any longer. The NASA employee who witnessed this incident started working for the US space agency in 1958 as a security guard on Wayside in Houston, Texas.

The event was witnessed by the NASA employee whose job was to ensure that all fire safety standards, equipment, and escape routes were always in place and operational. As part of their duty, he and his fellow firefighters were able to enter guarded buildings at the Johnson Space Center, allowing them to view items that could only be defined as “Top Secret” on multiple occasions. During one of these periodic safety inspections, the anonymous NASA employee, and a fellow fireman observed an incredible event during the Apollo 15 Moon Mission.

Apollo 15 was the ninth crewed mission and the fourth to land on the Moon in the history of US space manned program missions. When the first J mission landed on the Moon, it spent more time there than previous missions and put a larger emphasis on scientific exploration. It was on Apollo 15 that the Lunar Roving Vehicle was first put into operation.

The mission began on July 26 and ended on August 7, with the lunar surface exploration taking place between July 30 and August 2. Commander David Scott and Lunar Module Pilot James Irwin landed near Hadley Rille and explored the local area using the rover, allowing them to travel further from the lunar module than had been possible on previous missions. They spent 18 hours 37 minutes on the Moon’s surface on extravehicular activity (EVA) and collected 170 pounds (77 kg) of surface material.
It is estimated that around 380 personnel were part of Manned Spacecraft Center’s fire department when Fireman first arrived. His tenure at NASA lasted over 26 years, but he never witnessed an employee complain about the agency’s tight security. “Even in later years, I kept in touch with several of my closest friends, when conversations turned to anything we were told not to talk about, there was always someone there to remind us that we had been told not to discuss it, even after we were no longer there,” Fireman said.

Uh, it actually wasn’t called Johnson Space Center at that time; rather the name was Manned Spacecraft Center. Anyway, I do know that one of the people was definitely Chrome Dome, as we were irreverently known to call Dr. Girth. At that time I had hair and found it funny to refer to one of the finest minds our country had by the moniker, “Chrome Dome.”

Just prior to their entering the viewing room, Jim and I noticed that the Technicians in the Mission Operations Control Rooms (MOCR) had gotten up and left the room. Now, that isn’t unusual during a normal EVA, but the Astronauts were in Hadley’s Rille. They couldn’t be seen because they were over the edge, down in the Rille itself.

The Lunar Rover was about thirty, maybe forty or more yards from the edge, and had the left front camera on the spot where the Astronauts had disappeared. You could hear the Astronauts’ voices talking, but as in most of the dialogs, we weren’t paying close attention to what they were saying. We did notice the technicians getting up and leaving the MOCR. Jim is the one who actually said something about it.

“Looks as if everyone got a bee in their bonnet at the same time, don’t it?” “Most probably their piss and lunch break,” I offered. It was right after I made that statement, that Dr. Gilruth entered, and several others came in with him. They didn’t look back, just went to the center of the viewing room and were talking excitedly among themselves and pointing towards the big screen to the right of the main screen in the MOCR.

Jim and I then paid close attention to what was on the screen. There was an object above the spot where the Astronauts were supposed to be in Hadley’s Rille, just hovering. I am totally positive as to it being an object; it was round, it had a shiny side with a shadow side, with the shadow side matching the shadows on the moon, and though all the video shots coming from the moon looked black and white, they could actually have been in color. The harsh lighting was probably responsible for the illusion of black and white.

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