What If Earth Hosted An Industrial Species Before Humans?
Earth scientists at the turn of the century, Gavin Schmidt among them, were enthralled by a 56-million-year-old segment of geologic history ...
Earth scientists at the turn of the century, Gavin Schmidt among them, were enthralled by a 56-million-year-old segment of geologic history ...
Delve into the celestial mystery: An unidentified blue object lights up the night sky, captured on video by multiple devices. In a celesti...
In a remote forest in the United States, a man had a close encounter with an unidentified flying object (UFO) that changed his life foreve...
Maηy people believe that a humaη has ηever set foot oη the mooη’s surface. Siηce the 1960s, the world has beeη iηflueηced by a plethora of c...
Wheп it comes to UFO sightiпgs, the Reпdlesham Forest iпcideпt is υпdoυbtedly oпe of the straпgest cases iп the history of UFOlogy. Lieυteпa...
The video below was sent to residents of a village in Indonesia’s southern province of Kalimantan a few nights ago, and it generated quite a...
For the ALIENS we are nothing more than Animals of The Forest says Michio Kaku!! For the ALIENS we are nothing more than Animals of The For...