August 2023

Robert Miller, Former Agent Of Area 51 Video Confesses He Flew In A UFO And Traveled In Time

Robert Miller worked in Area 51 and is famous for his UFO research and also because he was recruited by the US government. According to Mill...

Make your healthy 10 Aug, 2023

Alien Operation Happened Proving Its Existence In The Earth

Linda Moulton Howe is an ufologist famous for her speculations that the US government is currently working with aliens. She is considered on...

Make your healthy 5 Aug, 2023

Unusual Alien Structures Found on the Moon – That’s Why We Don’t Go There (Video).

When it comes to the Moon there are plenty of theories that you can follow if you’re a part of a conspiracy theorists group but the truth of...

Make your healthy 5 Aug, 2023

Strange light phenomenon in Sweden: Serious event under investigation (VIDEO)

The following video has been taken by Kristina Skis, a resident of Eskilstuna, Sweden. Kristina said she was trying to film a tһᴜпdeгѕtoгm w...

Make your healthy 5 Aug, 2023